I Am So Blessed – The Journey Vol. Two – COMING January 2023

This book is the second and last in the I Am So Blessed- The Journey Series. Writing this volume was indeed an eye opener not only in thought but in editing as so much energy was placed on completing the series at a high standard, while maintaining the same atmosphere as Volume One. Striving to keep the same realness and portraying some of the stories in these poems written as close to the way that they were expressed to me without revealing the identities of those involved.

In setting the tone for these poems, some may be controversial in thought. The intention is not to offend anyone but, an attempt to educate, as the reality is that many of us may be dealing with some of the topics in these poems. It is my desire that there is something in this book that touches the soul of every reader, and that doors open to create true and full constructive discussions, clearing the way for better relationships of every kind.

Additional information

Weight 9 oz
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 1 in
Category ,


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